5 ways to control high blood pressure without medication (Part 1)

Hypertension Blood Pressure Elevated Dangerous Level

By making these 10 lifestyle changes, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease.

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you might be worried about taking medication to bring your numbers down.

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How to strengthen your immune system

I was ill during last week and I was really wonder why, because it’s my first illness since 2014. And as I was told, it caused by my weak immune system. Thus, I want to share with you some dope advices on how to strengthen the immune system especially during Autumn (hate it…Spring forever ;D ) and these not that warm days.


Autumn is a season, when your body says “hold on, mate! I will let the sore in” and you are trying to kick this trash out. Of course, it’s important to go into sport and have a normal rest but you should monitor your nutrition. During this period, human’s body absorbs all useful substances to be ready for a long winter nights (thanks Mr. Stark for “Winter is coming”). To make it clear, I will guide you through several steps.

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Baked apples in caramel


As I promised to this person I will write about baked apples with caramel. To make things clear, let’s start.


Apples (peeled without core) – 4 pieces

Apple juice – 2/3 of a glass

Butter (soft) – 2 tb sp.

Sugar – 1 glass

Water – 1/3 of a glass

Butter – 1 tb. sp.

Milk – ½ of a glass

Vanilla extract – ½ t.sp.



  1. Make the caramel.
    1. Mix sugar and water in big frying pan. Fry it for 15 minutes on average fire, without mixing.
    2. Put the frying pan off, let it cool for 1 minute. Add butter while mixing all this.
    3. Mix it all the time while adding milk. Put it on fire and mix it for 2 minutes (the mass should be a little bit thick). Put it off and add vanilla.
  2. Prepare the apples
    1. Heat the oven up to 170 °C.
    2. Cut each apple on 5 pieces horizontally gather them in a previous form and put it into the heat resisting utensils (Optional).
    3. Mix the apple juice and the butter and then pour it onto the apples. Bake it for 45 minutes, pouring with the juice every 15 minutes.
    4. Put every apple into deep bowl, fill the apples with ¼ glass of caramel souse. Serve them right after the oven.


So, as you can see it’s pretty healthy and sweet. Enjoy your meal!


Homemade “amber” jam


Strange name, isn’t it? But it’s possible to make. Of course not form the amber itself, but from zucchini. Why do you need that? Well, if you are single – it will be your skill – to cook, and if you are not – you can impress your soul mate. In any case – it’s cool. So, folks, let’s start? I think it will be a good post to read in the morning (at least in NY – morning for sure).

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Star Wars cookies with the spirit of the Force


If you are a sweet tooth, then you came to the right post! I won’t cheat if I say that cookies are essential part of our everyday life (said it like I was talking about water). What could be better then eating gingersnap with tea or if you like – mulled wine? Do you remember Starks’ moto – “Winter is coming”? He is right and we all need to keep ourselves warm.

Continue reading “Star Wars cookies with the spirit of the Force”